Some observations on life and computing
The number of parallel programs I have embarked on is less than
the number of deadlocks I have created.
Ken Kennedy
I have never written a program with pointers where I did not try to
traverse a circular list.
Ken Kennedy
In life, everything is important.
Everything else is not.
Janusz Kowalik
Parallelism decreases as maturity increases.
Parallelism decreases as flexibility increases.
H. T. Kung
I want to build everything as simply as possible, since everything
is complicated
Dan Slotnick
After floating point, no one ever thought again.
Dan Slotnick
Don't let that trouble you. I refuse to discuss that assumption.
Dan Slotnick
Existence is trivial from the finiteness of the universe.
Dan Slotnick
I don't know how to teach it to students, and I can't do it myself.
Maybe those two are related.
Dan Slotnick
I took a vow 27 years ago never to do another divide.
Dan Slotnick
The good Lord made graduate students, and if He ever stops, we're dead.
Dan Slotnick
It would be strange to me if shared memory machines were the way to go.
Geoffrey Fox
You have to stand there with your wire-wrap gun before a programmer
will take you seriously.
Tom Knight
Even if the machine is a flop, you will need a good programming
environment for it.
George Michael
VAXes are the marijuana of the university crowd.
George Michael
This is like collecting statistics on undetected murders.
Pete Stewart
If we lose a data record, it's of no consequence. We have plenty more data.
Pat Savage
Don't worry about semantics. I'm dealing with abstract engineering concepts.
Ed Fredkin
You could have a hot computer, a warm computer, a cold computer,
each running off the heat of the previous one.
Ed Fredkin
If God, having some kind of fit, threw the gearshift of time into reverse,
the spoon would fly off the table.
Ed Fredkin
The only reason no one ever knew this before is because no one wanted
to know this before.
Ed Fredkin
It is now crystal clear (to a very small number of people).
Ed Fredkin
This is sort of a terribly interesting idea.
Ed Fredkin
To become a physicist, you must sign in blood that you won't be upset
by things that make no sense and can't be explained.
Ed Fredkin
When you widen the diameter of knowledge, you increase the periphery
of ignorance.
Elias Rowe
A good idea is not necessarily a bright idea.
Howard Resnikoff
It never hurts to have a supporting argument for something people
are already doing.
Howard Resnikoff
Testing is not a religion I have to believe in.
Zvi Kedem
This isn't yesterday's lecture. He's getting his arithmetic right.
Quentin Stout