Duncan A. Buell

Duncan A. Buell
Chair Emeritus -- NCR Chair of Computer Science and Engineering
Department of Computer Science and E
University of South Carolina
Columbia, SC 29208


Digital humanities
Electronic voting systems
Nonnumeric computations
Computational number theory
Parallel computing
Information retrieval

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Ph.D., 1976, Mathematics, University of Illinois Chicago
M.A., 1972, Mathematics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
B.S., 1971, Mathematics, University of Arizona, Tucson

Complete resume (pdf)

My Status

I retired from the University of South Carolina as of 1 January 2021, although I continue to maintain some interest in what transpires at the university.

I also am trying to continue my intellectual involvement in areas in which I was involved prior to my retirement.

This includes publishing: my cryptography textbook has come out recently, and was translated by a computer into German.

Fundamentals of Cryptography


I continue work in matters of election integrity and in digital humanities.

In election integrity:

My two focus areas in digital humanities are:

Some Thoughts

Although they are many years old by now, these observations are still quite valid.